Marketplace - PP

Marketplace - PP

Provenance Proof

What is Provenance Proof Marketplace

In the world of gems, pearls, and jewellery, businesses were faced with a challenge: how to ensure the authenticity and origin of the assets they were buying and selling. This challenge made it difficult for businesses to confidently trade with one another and caused mistrust and uncertainty.

But then, a solution emerged: Provenance Proof Marketplace, a B2B web application that serves as a bridge between businesses in the industry. The marketplace is a place where businesses can buy and sell assets with a provenance story, ensuring that each asset's origin and authenticity can be traced and verified.

With Provenance Proof Marketplace, businesses can confidently trade with each other, knowing that the assets they are dealing with are genuine and have a transparent history. The application has become a trusted source for businesses, providing them with a platform to connect and trade while upholding ethical and sustainable practices in the industry.


I conducted user interviews and worked closely with product stakeholders to gather data that informed my design decisions. Using this information, I created user flows and conducted a competitive analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the search function's design landscape.
I developed both low-fidelity and high-fidelity designs for the search function, with a focus on improving the overall user experience of the platform.

Problem Statement

Create an e-commerce funnel for a B2B platform that provides users with the ability to view provenance details of an asset and get in touch with the asset’s owner. The platform should be designed to meet the specific needs of B2B customers, ensuring that the buying process is streamlined and efficient.

Double Diamond Research Method

Summary of data gathered from research

My research revealed that users are interested in more than just buying gems, pearls, and jewellery. They also need a way to manage their assets effectively. With this in mind, I took the initiative to go beyond the scope of the initial design and also took responsibility for re-designing the asset management process.

By analysing the data collected during my research, I gained insight into how users narrow down their search results to find the best fit asset they want to buy. This understanding informed my decision-making process as I redesigned the asset management system to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.

Ultimately, my goal was to create a seamless user experience that would enhance users' overall satisfaction with the platform and help them achieve their goals more efficiently.

Key points

  1. Users need asset management in addition to buying gems and jewellery.

  2. Researcher redesigned asset management system based on user search behaviour insights.

  3. Redesign aimed for an intuitive and efficient user experience.

  4. The goal was to enhance overall satisfaction with the platform.

Competitive Analysis

User flows

Low Fidelity

High Fidelity


With the help of E-commerce funnel and design updates we were able to Increased the conversion rate by 64%.

Produced at Everledger

Design team: Ankit Jhanwar, Melissanthi Papacharalampous, Stef Michelet

Collaborator: Siddheshwar rajadhyax, Miranda Simmiss, Alvin, Klemens


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